Title Identifying critical nutrient intake in groups at risk of poverty in Europe: fhe CHANCE project approach /
Authors Nikolić, Marina ; Glibetić, Maria ; Gurinović, Mirjana ; Milešević, Jelena ; Khokhar, Santosh ; Chillo, Stefania ; Abaravičius, Jonas Algis ; Bordoni, Alessandra ; Capozzi, Francesco
DOI 10.3390/nu6041374
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Is Part of Nutrients.. Basel : M D P I AG. 2014, vol. 6, no 4, p. 1374-1393.. ISSN 2072-6643
Keywords [eng] Poverty ; Critical nutrients intake ; Europe ; CHANCE food
Abstract [eng] The aim of the CHANCE project is to develop novel and affordable nutritious foods to optimize the diet and reduce the risk of diet-related diseases among groups at risk of poverty (ROP). This paper describes the methodology used in the two initial steps to accomplish the project’s objective as follows: 1. a literature review of existing data and 2. an identification of ROP groups with which to design and perform the CHANCE nutritional survey, which will supply new data that is useful for formulating the new CHANCE food. Based on the literature review, a low intake of fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, fish, energy, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and C, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc and a high intake of starchy foods, processed meat and sodium were apparent. However, the available data appeared fragmented because of the different methodologies used in the studies. A more global vision of the main nutritional problems that are present among low-income people in Europe is needed, and the first step to achieve this goal is the use of common criteria to define the risk of poverty. The scoring system described here represents novel criteria for defining at-risk-of-poverty groups not only in the CHANCE-participating countries but also all over Europe.
Published Basel : M D P I AG
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2014