Title Jonas Šliūpas ir LSDP 1896 metais /
Translation of Title Jonas Šliūpas and the LSDP in 1896.
Authors Vyšniauskas, Arūnas
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Is Part of Acta humanitarica universitatis Saulensis.. Šiauliai : Šiaulių universitetas. 2011, t. 12, p. 29-43.. ISSN 1822-7309
Keywords [eng] Political parties ; Statehoodx ; Politics ; practical
Abstract [eng] The article discusses the correspondence relationship between Jonas Šliūpas and Andrius Domaševičius in 1896. Šliūpas was asked to represent the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) at the international socialist congress, scheduled for 1896 summer in London. The establishment of the LSDP in May 1 (1896) is associated with this event. The article also shows that Šliūpas as an independent socialist played a pioneer role by establishment of the Lithuanian first newspaper, specialized for working- class (Nauja gadynė, 1894–1896). On the other hand Šliūpas raised for Lithuanian statehood demand, the entire decade before the offi­cial creation of the LSDP. Šliūpas wanted to separate Lithuanian lands from Russia and Germany, and prefered a federation with Latvia. In 1887 it expressed the idea of federation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia as a possible version in the future. In addition, Šliūpas not rejected a possible federal version with Poland, if the Poles refuse their imperialism. The political players, who at the earliest raised Lithuania’s statehood demand after the 1863/64 Uprising, was J. Šliūpas, A. Moravskis, A. Domaševičius. These Lithuanians of the socialist / social democratic orientation was related in youth to the largest city in northern Lithuania – Šiauliai. The article fi­nally highlights the pioneering role Šliūpas by raising the question of Lithuania in the non-Lithuanian press in the West at the end of the 19th century.
Published Šiauliai : Šiaulių universitetas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011