Title Medžio simbolika XIX a. lietuvių literatūroje, arba nuo baltiškosios kosmologinės vizijos iki istorinio žvilgsnio į realybę /
Translation of Title The symbolism of the tree in the Lithuanian literature of 19th c. or from the vision of the baltic cosmology to historical view of reality.
Authors Keturakienė, Eglė
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Is Part of Acta humanitarica universitatis Saulensis.. Šiauliai : Šiaulių universitetas. 2011, t. 13, p. 136-157.. ISSN 1822-7309
Keywords [eng] Symbol-metaphor ; The imagination of the Baltic mythology ; The cultural and historical symbol of the tree ; Cosmogony ; The style of the epicurean life ; The conception of time and the vision of aesthetics by St. Augustine ; The mythic incantation
Abstract [eng] The theory of this article is based on Paul Ricoeur’s theory of the symbol- metaphor, who maintains that the human experience could be cognized through the language of the symbol- metaphors. The article is based on the works of Mircea Eliade, Vladimir Toporov, Marija Gimbutienė, Norbertas Vėlius, the mythic narrative of Simonas Daukantas about the hierophany of the tree in which the spirits of pagan gods Perkūnas, Patrimpas and Pikulas live. It continues the tradition of the narrative of the Baltic mythic imagination of Simonas Grunau, Matas Pretorijus, and Stanislovas Rostovskis. The “stories” of the trees of Dionizas Poška embody the style of Epicurean life, the memory of the camaraderie which enters the memory of the creature, culture and history. The top of the memory of the tree in the classicistic idyll of Poška makes the dialogue with the poetry of Vergilius and Sarbievijus, expressing the motive of the memory of the tree. The poetic narrative of the forest of Baranauskas embodies the feelings of homo religiosus and the flavour of the aesthetic vision and the concept of the time of Saint Augustine. The oak as the Baltic cosmic tree and the human metamorphosis into the tree of the life in the poetry of Vaičaitis represents the vision of the cosmic and the narrative of the inceptive myth which repeats the Baltic myth of tree and the subject of Niobe from Ovid’s “Metamorphosis”. The symbolism of the man and the tree in the poetry of Maironis is the form of the writing... [to full text].
Published Šiauliai : Šiaulių universitetas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011