Title Новая победа над временем: метафорические модели женского рекламного дискурса /
Translation of Title The new victory over Time: metaphorical models of advertising discourse designed for women.
Translation of Title Moterų reklamos diskurso metaforiniai modeliai.
Authors Диомидова, Алла ; Шиняева, Елена
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Is Part of Filologija. 2008, t. 13, p. 161-173.. ISSN 1392-561X
Keywords [eng] Advertising discourse ; Cognitive analysis ; Conceptual metaphor ; Nominative field
Abstract [eng] The topic of this article is metaphorical models of advertising discourse designed for women. Texts of advertising discourse, which have been selected for several years from a popular magazine for women ‘Cosmopolitan’ (Russian version), are analysed in the article. The purpose of our research is to carry out a cognitive analysis of advertising discourse and to find out which metaphorical models prevail in the advertising discourse of ‘Cosmopolitan’. Methodological basis for the research is J. Lakoff’s definition of a conceptual metaphor and model of political discourse analysis, designed by E. Lassan. E. Lassan introduced the level of binary oppositions apart from conceptual metaphors. Investigations of advertising discourse are very important because advertising is already being treated as ‘an engine without trade’ (M. McLuhan). This means that it does not only help to sell goods, but also forms collective consciousness and is the source of information regarding it. Opposition NEW – NOT NEW and metaphorical model TIME IS ENEMY are analysed in this article. Our research has shown that ageing as a process is dramatized and militarized in the advertising discourse. Metaphorical models (NEW – NOT NEW and, especially, TIME IS ENEMY) form some kind of behaviour scenario: the only ‘right’ response to ageing is a battle, a woman must fight, otherwise she will not be the winner. This way behaviour model – a permanent battle with natural body processes – is introduced into the reader’s consciousness.
Type Journal article
Language Russian
Publication date 2008