Title Effect of short-wavelength light on lettuce growth and nutritional quality /
Translation of Title Trumpabangės šviesos poveikis salotų augimui ir maistinei kokybei.
Authors Urbonavičiūtė, Akvilė ; Pinho, Paulo ; Samuolienė, Giedrė ; Duchovskis, Pavelas ; Vitta, Pranciškus ; Stonkus, Andrius ; Tamulaitis, Gintautas ; Žukauskas, Artūras ; Halonen, Liisa
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Is Part of Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė. 2007, t. 26(1), p. 157-165.. ISSN 0236-4212
Keywords [eng] Lettuce ; Laser pulses ; ultrashort ; Light emitting diodes ; Food
Abstract [eng] Influence of short-wavelength light on growth, development and nutritional quality of lettuce was studied by growing lettuce Lactuca sativa L. cv. ‘Grand rapids’ in phytotron under LED-based illumination with bicomponent spectrum consisting of red component (640 nm) and short-wavelength component in cyan (500 nm), blue (460 nm), or near-UV (365 nm) regions. Biometric characteristics and concentrations of pigments and sugars were measured 39 days after germination. Drastic sensitivity of total carbohydrates concentration and relative ratio between amounts of different sugars on the spectral position of the short-wavelength component was observed. We also demonstrate that concentration of nitrites in plants grown under such bicomponent illumination is reduced in respect to the reference plants grown under illumination by conventional fluorescent lamps.
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2007