Title |
Uranium-Thorium isochron dating results of penultimate (Late Mid-Pleistocene interglacial in Lithuania from Mardasavas site / |
Translation of Title |
Результаты датирования изохронным методом урана-тория предпоследнего (позднего среднеплейстоценного) межледниковья по разрезу Мардасавас в Литве. |
Translation of Title |
Priešpaskutinio (vėlyvojo vidurinio pleistoceno) tarpledynmečio urano-torio izochroninio datavimo rezultatai Mardasavo pjūvio nuoguluose Lietuvoje. |
Authors |
Gaigalas, Algirdas-Juozapas ; Arslanov, Khikmatulla A ; Maksimov, Fedor E ; Kuznetsov, Vladislav Yu ; Chernov, Sergey B |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Geologija. 2007, nr. 57, p. 21-29.. ISSN 1392-110X |
Keywords [eng] |
Uranium thorium dates ; Gyttja ; Snaigupele Interglacial ; Mardasavas ; Lithuania |
Abstract [eng] |
The Snaigupėlėe Interglacial gyttja was dated first by the uranium- thorium isochron method in the Mardasavas parastratotype section,. Southeastern Lithuania. The isochron-corrected 230Th / U ages are 202.4 + 38.6/-22.9 ka (TSD method) and 220.6 + 35.3 / 20.5 ka (L/L method). Theses dates correspond to the second part of the Interglacial. The range of the obtained ages is close to the age limit of the MOIS 7 stage of deep sea sediments (186-242 ka). The 230Th / U dates obtained on gyttja from the Mardasavas section are in fact the corresponding deposits of the penultimate (Snaigupėlė) Interglacial within MOIS 7 present in Lithuania. One more Interglacial warming (Snaigupėlė = Drenthe-Wartha - Cherepet) is recognized between the Butėnai = Holsteinian = Likhvinian Interglacial of the Middle Pleistocene and the Merkine = Eemian = Mikulino = Kazantsovian Interglacial of the Late Pleistocene. The warm climate event of MOIS 7 is of broad transcontinental or even hemispheral significance rather than a local phenomenon in the Last European Plain. |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
English |
Publication date |
2007 |