Title Stroncio-89 vartojimas ligoniams, sergantiems vėžiu ir atsiradus metastazių kauluose, skausmo sindromui gydyti /
Translation of Title Use strontium-89 in the anaalgesic treatment of cancer patients witch bone metastases.
Authors Baranauskas, Zenonas ; Valuckas, Konstantinas ; Aleknavičius, Eduardas ; Jankevičius, Feliksas ; Burneckis, Arvydas ; Povilonienė, Irena
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Is Part of Medicina. 2006, t. 42, Nr. 1, p. 11-14.. ISSN 1010-660X
Keywords [eng] strontium-89 ; prostate ; breast ; metastasis ; analgesia
Abstract [eng] The aim of this article was to review the available literature regarding to the use of strontium-89 in the palliation of osteoblastic bone pain. The data of many researches showed that approximately 80% of patients witch pain from osteoblastic lesions resulting from prostate or breast cancer experience significant pain relief by administration of strontium-89, witch only mild levels of hematotoxicity. The duration of pain relief in some cases exceeded 3-6 months. Indications for administration of strontium-89, effectiveness and duration of the treatment, side effects are reviewed in this article.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2006