Title Baltijos šalių nekilnojamojo turto rinkos ciklai /
Translation of Title The cycles of real estate market in the Baltic countries.
Authors Galinienė, Birutė ; Marčinskas, Albinas ; Malevskienė, Skaistė
DOI 10.3846/13928619.2006.9637736
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Is Part of Ūkio technologinis ir ekonominis vystymas.. Vilnius : Technika. 2006, t. 12, Nr. 2, p. 161-167.. ISSN 1392-8619. eISSN 1822-3613
Keywords [eng] real estate market ; cycle ; market prices
Abstract [eng] The authors in the article analyse (in theoretical and practical aspects) factors influencing real estate market, underline their impacton economic development in the long and short run. The aurhors make comparison of the cycles of maroeconomic indicators and real estate market. The article reveals the characteristics of dwelling real estate structures and market in different Baltic States. The article also analyses indexes for apartments and dwilling houses and the problems of their calculation and comparison.
Published Vilnius : Technika
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2006