Title Diskusijos Lietuvoje dėl ES plėtros į rytus : Turkijos atvejis /
Another Title Debate in Lithuania on EU expansion to East: the case of Turkey.
Authors Račius, Egdūnas
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Is Part of Lietuvos metinė strateginė apžvalga 2005.. Vilnius : Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija. 2006, p. 145-160.. ISSN 1648-8016
Keywords [eng] Lithuania ; European Union
Abstract [eng] Although Turkey has been knocking on the EU's gates for almost four decades, only the echo of that knock was being heard in Lithuania until 2004. After Lithuania joined the EU, the question of Turkish membership in the EU was by design added to the agenda of the Lithuanian government's foreign policy. High-ranking state officials rushed to assure both citizens and the world that Lithuania supports the objectives of Turkey, whereas opposition (rightist) parties expressed concern about the lack of debate on this issue in the Parliament, the government and society in general. The opinion of the society, to which the Lithuanian government had not yet appealed in any way, is not clear yet. Political analysts and journalists writing on this issue tend to demonize Turkey and practically frighten the general public. It seems that a passively negative mood is settling over ordinary citizens, which in the case of referendum can become potential "No's" to the Turkish membership in the Bloc.
Published Vilnius : Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2006