Abstract [eng] |
The paper presents the main results and conclusions on 47 cultivars of Lithuanian origin belonging to eight species (Lupinus angustifolius, L. luteus, Lotus corniculatus, Onobrychis, P.arvence, P. sativum,V. faba, V. sativa) plants of five genera (Lupinus L., Lotus L., Pisum L., Onobrychis Mill., vicia L.) of the family Fabaceae in the field collections at the Botanical garden of Vilnius University during 2000-2006. Disease - causing agents were found on above ground parts. A total of 27 fungal taxa were identified. The most common genera included Alternaria, ..Botrytis, Cladosporium, Erysiphe, Fusarium. Most severely injured plants: Lupinus cultivars: 'Augiai','Trakiai', 'Snaigiai', 'Vilčiai', and , 1688, Pisum cultivars : 'Baltieji', 'Delta', 'Erbi', 'Grafila', IP-5, 'Neosypajuščijsia 500', 'Perla','Profi', 'Sobel', 'Žalsviai', 'Ilgiai', Vicia faba 'Ada', 'Aušra', 'Ukko', V. sativa cultivars 'Baltasėkliai'. Outbreaks of other fungal diseases of Fabaceae are more dependent on various environmental conditions. Rots caused by Botrytis, Cylindrocarpon Fusarium, Thielaviopsis genera fungi usually occur under prolonged periods of low air and soil temperatures and a high relative humidity. Prolonged periods of a high air temperature and high relative humidity are favourable for the occurence of powdery mildews and leaf spots caused by Ascochyta, Septoria, Uromyces genera fungi. Some plants (e.g., Vicia faba) are susceptible to leaf spots caused by Botrytis fabae independently of the climatic conditions. It has been concluded that some cultivars of leguminous plants are quite resistant to fungal diseases. Those include Lupinus 'Derliai', 1612, 1666, 1669, 1684, 1686, 3170, 3179, Pisum 'Greitieji', 'Rainiai', and Lotus corniculatus 'Neris'. |