Title Fliuvioglacialinių darinių dirvožemių dangos ypatumai /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of soil covers in fluvioglacial formations.
Authors Galvydytė, Daina-Kazimira ; Lukauskas, Evaldas ; Volungevičius, Jonas
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Is Part of Geografija. 2007, T. 43(1), p. 1-7.. ISSN 1392-1096
Keywords [eng] Soils ; Soil science ; Calcaric and Haplic Arenosols
Abstract [eng] Therefore, the reaction is very acidic in the middle part of the profile where carbonates occur deep and the mobile phosphorus is accumulated only in the fertilized, cultivated arable horizon above the carbonate- rich horizon where this reaction becomes near-neutral. In the second excavation, medium-grained sand is prevalent. Carbonates are found at a depth of 80 cm and their lens lays at a depth of 20 cm. The soil develops here influenced by a slightly acidic reaction, so potassium is mostly found only near to the surface and phosphorus available for plants is richly met in almost all horizons except for the carbonate-rich layer and more acidic lens in the middle part of the profile. According to the old classification, these soils should be defined as leached sod-carbonaceous and slightly podzolized sod-podzolic soils, while according to the new classification system they are Calcaric and Haplic Arenosols, respectively. It is suggested in this paper to refuse the separate determination of Cambic and Calcaric Arenosols at the second classification level because these are the same soils. Considering the fact that the upper horizons of arable soils are cultivated and the middle ones preserved their natural features, these soils should be defined as natural-anthropogenic.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007