Title Association between environment and psycho-emotional stress experienced at sea by Lithuanian and Latvian seamen /
Translation of Title Lietuvos ir Latvijos jūrininkų aplinkos ir patiriamos psichoemocinės įtampos sąsajos.
Authors Sąlyga, Jonas ; Juozulynas, Jurgis Algirdas
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Is Part of Medicina.. Kaunas : Kauno medicinos universitetas. 2006, t. 42, Nr. 9, p. 759-769.. ISSN 1010-660X
Keywords [eng] Seamen ; Cross-national comparison ; Self-reported ; Psycho-emotional stress ; Risk factors
Abstract [eng] The occurrence of psychoemotional stress was mostly influenced by work in the environment requiring increased visual strain (p<0.001) and vibration (p<0.05). We found that the following factors were associated with the occurrence of psycho-emotional stress on the ship: depression that occurred more frequently at sea than on shore (p<0.001), disturbed working and resting regimen due to time zone changes (p<0.001), and disturbed regular sexual life (p<0.001). Many of the unique aspects of seafaring are unchangeable. However, it possible to modify, supplement, or develop new strategies to reduce the impact these factors have on the health of individual seafarers.
Published Kaunas : Kauno medicinos universitetas
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2006