Title Paprastojo kmyno (Carum carvi L.) sėklų kokybės tyrimai /
Translation of Title The investigation of common caraway (Carum carvi L.) seed‘s quality.
Authors Mačkinaitė, Rimutė ; Makarevič, Vika
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Is Part of Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Botanikos sodo raštai.. Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Botanikos sodas. 2010, [t.] 14, p. 113-120.. ISSN 1392-3714
Keywords [eng] Carum carvi ; seeds ; quality indices ; fungi ; contamination
Abstract [eng] The investigation of the seeds quality of wild and cultural ("Gintaras", "Kančevitskij", "Rekord") common caraway seeds of different cultivars, growing localities in 2001-2004 was carried out. It was ascertained that common caraway seeds of different cultivars, growing localities and years of harvesting vary in their energy of germination, germination, 1000 seeds weight, contamination by micromycetes. The seeds of cultivated caraway were more viable (the energy of germination amounted up to 30.9 %, the germination - up to 45.4 % in average), however they were more strong contaminated by micromycetes (82.0 % in average) as the seeds of wild caraway, the energy of germination of which amounted up to 14,6 %, germination - up to 20.7 % and contamination by micromycetes - up to 71.1 % in average. Significant correlation was evaluted between seeds contamination by micromycetes and seeds weight, as well as seeds germination.
Published Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Botanikos sodas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010