Title ES bendrojo duomenų apsaugos reglamento taikymo socialiniams tinklams ypatumai /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of the application of the eu general data protection regulation to social networks.
Authors Gulbickaitė, Krystyna
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Pages 83
Abstract [eng] Peculiarities of the Application of the EU General Data Protection Regulation to Social Networks The Master's thesis analyzes GDPR's provisions on the implementation and enforcement of data controller responsibilities and data subjects' rights on Facebook. The main attention is given to a huge amount of articles 29 working group data protection working party. In the thesis is analyzed the individual's right to privacy and the coherence to the protection of personal data and the content of the GDPR‘S norms. This thesis reveals the basic principles of data protection law: the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency in personal data protection implementation of the purpose limitation principle on data processing in social networks and accountability. It also analyzes recent cases related to Facebook's social network and presents features related to the application of GDPR norms. Based on the theoretical approach, the current social data policy of Facebook is analyzed and general conclusions are drawn from the analysis of normative, specialized literature, case law, and legal doctrine on the application of GDPR‘s on Facebook.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019