Title |
Izoliacinės palatos ventiliacijos strategijos gyvenamajame būste įrengimo galimybės analizė ir vienpusės natūralios ventiliacijos skysčių dinamikos simuliacijų tyrimas / |
Translation of Title |
Investigation of isolation room ventilation strategy applicability in a household environment and analysis of single-sided natural ventilation using computational fluid dynamics. |
Authors |
Bernotas, Simonas |
Full Text |
Pages |
56 |
Abstract [eng] |
In this paper the applicability of natural ventilation strategy in an isolation room installed in a household environment is explored. Analysis of infection mechanism, relation of ventilation to infection risk, ventilation methods and ventilation computational fluid mechanics articles were performed. Mathematical equations used in air flow computational fluid dynamics simulations were examined. Scenarios were presented for the studied case of computational fluid dynamics simulations. Simulations were performed of single-sided natural ventilation case. |
Dissertation Institution |
Vilniaus universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2020 |