Title Tuning Optical Properties of Lanthanide Doped Upconverting Materials /
Translation of Title Lantanoidais legiruotų apkonvertuojančių medžiagų optinių savybių tyrimas.
Authors Mikalauskaitė, Ieva
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.61
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Pages 152
Keywords [eng] Luminescent materials ; upconversion ; lanthanide doped
Abstract [eng] Various approaches of designing upconverting materials have been employed in order to obtain effective luminescent probes. An emerged amount of attention has been drawn to upconverting (UC) materials in recent years. The luminescence is achieved through a sequential absorption of two (or more) photons excited with lower energy near infrared (NIR) region. Color emission output can be altered by carefully selecting concentration of activators and sensitizers doped into preferred host material. A strategy of doping ions of different size radii is expected to alter local site symmetry of host, whereas transition metal ions provide with an energy level structure to mediate non-radiative transitions. The aim of current work was to synthesize and investigate optical properties of lanthanide doped (Yb3+, Er3+, Nd3+) NaY/GdF4 upconverting materials. Additional doping with alkali ions (Li+ and K+) was employed in order to study the impact of different size ionic radius to the phase formation and optical properties. Furthermore, doping with transition metal ions (Mn2+, Cr3+) was also applied in order to tune luminescence color outcome of upconverting materials. Moreover, temperature sensing application possibilities were also investigated.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2020