Title Piezoelectric domain walls in van der Waals antiferroelectric CuInP2Se6 /
Authors Džiaugys, Andrius ; Kelley, Kyle ; Brehm, John A ; Tao, Lei ; Puretzky, Alexander ; Feng, Tianli ; O'Hara, Andrew ; Neumayer, Sabine ; Chyasnavichyus, Marius ; Eliseev, Eugene A ; Banys, Jūras ; Vysochanskii, Yulian ; Feng, Ye ; Chakaoumakos, Bryan C ; Susner, Michael A ; McGuire, Michael A ; Kalinin, Sergei V ; Ganesh, Panchapakesan ; Balke, Nina ; Pantelides, Sokrates T ; Morozovska, Anna N ; Maksymovych, Petro
DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-17137-0
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Is Part of Nature communications.. London : Nature Publishing Group. 2020, vol. 11, iss. 1, art. no. 3623, p. [1-7].. ISSN 2041-1723
Keywords [eng] piezoelectric ; antiferroelectric ; chalcogenophosphates
Abstract [eng] Polar van der Waals chalcogenophosphates exhibit unique properties, such as negative electrostriction and multi-well ferrielectricity, and enable combining dielectric and 2D electronic materials. Using low temperature piezoresponse force microscopy, we revealed coexistence of piezoelectric and non-piezoelectric phases in CuInP2Se6, forming unusual domain walls with enhanced piezoelectric response. From systematic imaging experiments we have inferred the formation of a partially polarized antiferroelectric state, with inclusions of structurally distinct ferrielectric domains enclosed by the corresponding phase boundaries. The assignment is strongly supported by optical spectroscopies and density-functionaltheory calculations. Enhanced piezoresponse at the ferrielectric/antiferroelectric phase boundary and the ability to manipulate this entity with electric field on the nanoscale expand the existing phenomenology of functional domain walls. At the same time, phase-coexistence in chalcogenophosphates may lead to rational strategies for incorporation of ferroic functionality into van der Waals heterostructures, with stronger resilience toward detrimental size-effects.
Published London : Nature Publishing Group
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2020
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