Title Teacher involvement in organisational change: from engaging risk to cooperative learning /
Authors Daujotienė, Laima ; Kazlauskienė, Aušra ; Bubnys, Remigijus
DOI 10.3390/su12229447
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Is Part of Sustainability.. Basel : MDPI. 2020, vol. 12, iss. 22, art. no. 9447, p. [1-14].. eISSN 2071-1050
Keywords [eng] teacher participant ; changes ; organisation ; learning ; cooperative learning ; sustainability
Abstract [eng] The present research aims at analysing the result of how preconditions, teacher reactions, action strategies, and intervening conditions of teacher involvement in the organisational changes manifest. A particular school which had recently implemented changes was chosen for the investigation. The research is based on application of the strategy of the grounded theory. A semi-structured interview was chosen to collect the data. Grounding on the analysis of the research data, the development paths of the teacher involvement in the organisational changes manifesting at the personal and organisational levels were disclosed. The research reveals that the teacher involvement in the changes is determined by various preconditions: boredom, self-assessment, positive encouragement, support, negative reaction of others. Each precondition for the involvement in the changes creates conditions for the manifestation of different teacher reactions and action strategies. The intervening conditions (continuous changes, changing of personal attitudes and organisational culture) acting during the involvement in the changes were revealed in the course of the research. While analysing the process of the teacher involvement in the changes, the result of this process was revealed: from engaging risk to cooperative learning.
Published Basel : MDPI
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2020
CC license CC license description