Title Kenijos Čunichinos daktaro disertacijos „Nusikaltimo aukų suvoktas teisėjo elgesio teisingumas“ : recenzija /
Translation of Title Review of doctoral dissertation “Perceived justice behaviour of judges by crime victims” by Kenija Čunichina .
Authors Gudonis, Vytautas
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Is Part of Tarptautinis psichologijos žurnalas: biopsichosocialinis požiūris = International journal of psychology: a biopsychosocial approach.. Vilnius : Versus aureus. 2014, 15, p. 139-143.. ISSN 1941-7233. eISSN 2345-024X
Keywords [eng] Judges ; Victims ; Review
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of the dissertation study – to explore the perceived justice of judge‘s behavior that is experienced by the victims of the crime. In this review the main ideas of doctoral dissertation are discussed and questions for further development of ideas are presented. The advantages and disadvantages as well as practical implications are listed, some questioned and ideas from defence procedure are mentioned. The conclusion states that this dissertation is interesting, original and important interdisciplinary work in psychology and law, that fits all the requirements for doctoral dissertations in the field.
Published Vilnius : Versus aureus
Type Review
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014