Title Smurtinio elgesio rizikos vertinimas: HCR-20 prognostinis validumas už smurtinius nusikaltimus teistų asmenų imtyje /
Translation of Title HCR-20 violence risk assessment scheme: predictive validity in a sample of violent offenders.
Authors Čėsnienė, Ilona ; Klimukienė, Virginija
DOI 10.15388/CrimLithuan.2014.2.5091
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Is Part of Kriminologijos studijos.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2014, Nr. 2, p.138-154.. ISSN 2351-6097
Keywords [eng] Risk assessment ; HCR-20 ; Violent recidivism
Abstract [eng] Criminal risk assessment has been intensively investigated over the last decades. Therefore, the four generations of risk assessment instruments have already been developed (Blomberg et al., 2010) starting from unstructured clinical judgment (first generation), via actuarial risk assessment (second generation), and leading to structured clinical judgment (third generation) and assessment-based risk management (fourth generation). The HCR-20 violence risk assessment scheme (Webster et al., 2007) is an instrument of the third generation, which recognizes the importance of both static and dynamic risk management factors as well as contains the elements of prediction, a specific assessment procedure, and risk communication. The HCR-20 can be applied in different settings: forensic, correctional, or community. Moreover, the research has shown (Dahle, 2006; Gray et al., 2008) that the HCR-20 is reliable for assessing the risk of general and non-violent criminal behavior. In Lithuania, risk assessment is relatively new. The Law of Probation, which came into force in July 2012, defines the concept of risk assessment as a standardized investigation aimed at determining both the probability of re-offence and possibilities to reduce it. The current study describes the psychometric variables of the Lithuanian version of the HCR-20 and measures its predictive validity in a correctional sample of violent offenders...
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014
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