Title Structural modelling of innovative work behaviour /
Translation of Title Struktūrinis inovatyvaus elgesio darbe modeliavimas.
Authors Ramoškaitė, Monika
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Pages 54
Keywords [eng] structural equation modelling, Monte Carlo simulations, innovative work behaviour (struktūrinis modeliavimas, Monte Carlo simuliacijos, inovatyvus elgesys darbe)
Abstract [eng] Innovations is an important factor for any progress and development, however, first, people, that are able and willing to innovate, are necessary. Therefore, to have a more expressed innovative work behaviour, it is important to research the relationships with its antecedents, personal factors, which could be built up to strengthen the innovative work behaviour. The aim of this paper was to investigate the relationships among innovative work behaviour (interest in novelty, exploration and creation of ideas, idea testing and evaluation, search for support and idea implementation), occupational self-efficacy and work engagement. Structural equation modelling was applied to find the best data fitting model and evaluate the relationships. In addition, Monte Carlo simulations were performed to select the best estimator and evaluate the overall model. Results indicate that occupational self-efficacy and work engagement have a positive effect on innovative work behaviour. Work engagement is a statistically significant mediating factor between occupational self-efficacy and innovative work behaviour. Finally, interest in novelty, exploration and creation of ideas, idea testing and evaluation, and idea implementation are strong indicators of innovative work behaviour in the model.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2020