Title The analysis of lithuania's tax efficiency using panel data /
Translation of Title Lietuvos mokestinio efektyvumo tyrimas naudojantis paneliniais duomenimis.
Authors Kazlauskas, Lukas
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Pages 72
Keywords [eng] Dinaminiai paneliniai modeliai, impulso atsako analizė, mokesčių potencialas. Dynamic panel data model, impulse response analysis, tax potential.
Abstract [eng] Recent economic turmoil has showed that the fiscal sector can be a useful tool in providing stability for a country. The need for a balanced budget has led governments imposing tax increases and various spending cuts. This calls for an inquiry into the analysis of tax potential, as having a position on the matter would shed light on how much a country can increase their taxes without causing harm. This thesis aims to analyze Lithuania's tax efficiency by using cross sectional data. To achieve this task, time series clustering, impulse response analysis and dynamic panel modeling is carried out. The results show that Lithuania's agricultural and foreign trade sectors are smaller and larger respectively, compared to other countries, that have a similar taxation level as Lithuania. Impulse response analysis showed that the macroeconomic determinants have different effects in different income country groups. Lastly, the fixed effects dynamic panel data model revealed that Lithuania is further away from it's tax potential than most of the countries.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2020