Title Elektronizavimo priemonių naudojimas spartinant Lietuvos civilinį procesą /
Another Title Exploiting electronisation potential to speed up the Lithunian civil process.
Authors Nekrošius, Vytautas ; Simaitis, Rimantas ; Vėbraitė, Vigita ; Brazdeikis, Aurimas
DOI 10.15388/Teise.2014.93.5074
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Is Part of Teisė / Vilniaus universitetas.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2014, t. 93, p. 29-45.. ISSN 1392-1274
Abstract [eng] Drawing on the comparative analysis and the recommendations and research of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and other institutions of the Council of Europe, the authors of the article outline the possibilities for electronisation of the civil process and a course of action to speed up the process and enhance its efficiency. The article goes on to identify key successful applications of such technologies. In addition, it highlights and describes the main features of the internationally recognised “best practice” examples in Austria, Finland and England. The article covers primary issues and challenges involved in the application of ICT in judicial processes and ways to deal with and overcome such issues. Based on such insights, the article explores the progress in electronisation of the civil process achieved so far in Lithuania in terms of exploiting the potential of speeding up the process, gives proposals for smoother development and implementation of ICT technologies in Lithuania. The authors recognise that the maximum effect in speeding up and improving the civil process can be achieved through the use of conveniently and attractively delivered and installed ICT technologies of all levels intended for application in courts (basic technologies and those intended for the administration and organisation of court activities and assistance to judges). For the purpose of ensuring that ICT potential is exploited smoothly and efficiently, adequate attention must be given and sufficient funds must be allocated towards a revolutionary transition from a paper-based judicial infrastructure to the informational infrastructure, which is based on electronic information and electronic documents...
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014
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