Abstract [eng] |
The relevance of the research. The choice of a profession and a career is one of the most important stages in aperson’s life. A person’s success and job satisfaction depend on it. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the choice ofthe profession already in early childhood. Scientists emphasize that early childhood and the pre-school age is one of the most important periods, which has a significant impact on the further development of a person. What babies are engaged in duringthis period and how they are educated at this time determine their future career aspirations and the quality of the career in the subsequent stages. It is not for nothing said that a child’s personality is formed up to five to six years of age, and later it is only being developed. Therefore, the bases laid in childhood remain throughout a person’s entire life, thus in order for a child to become a full-fledged personality who will not face problems in the future when choosing a profession, it is required to talk about it as early as possible. The paper presents the concept of a career and its significance for human life. The paper also discusses theknowing of children as one of the most important factors ensuring earlychildhoodcareereducation. Competences important in educating of children for a career are analysed, as well as the role of parentsin the development of children’s early career skills. The Master’s thesis provides an overview of the importance of cooperation with other educators of children for the versatile education of a child. The theme of the Master’s thesis has been chosen seeking to find out how pre-school career education ofchildren is proceeded, what are the expectations ofparents and other authorities in respect to the children’s choice of professions, what encourages children’s approach towards the choice of professions. |