Title Nežindančių motinų pieno maistinių medžiagų koncentracijos pokyčiai po gimdymo ir veiksniai bei procedūros, turintys įtakos jo sudėčiai /
Translation of Title Changes in human milk macronutrient content of non-breastfeeding mothers after delivery and factors or procedures affecting its composition.
Authors Paulavičienė, Ieva Jūra
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.130
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Pages 110
Keywords [eng] human milk ; macronutrients ; lysozyme ; lactoferrin ; metabolome
Abstract [eng] Fresh human milk is the best food for newborns and infants. Donor human milk should be the second choice of nutrition for premature newborns when own mother‘s milk is lacking. Such milk must be specially prepared in the donor milk bank in compliance with appropriate safety requirements. The aims of the study were to investigate the composition of milk of non-breastfeeding mothers living in Lithuania, to establish physiological factors depending on the mother and the newborn, which have an impact on human milk content as well as the impact of freezing and Holder pasteurisation on human milk composition. We were the first in Lithuania to use the mid-infrared transmission spectroscopy method to establish human milk macronutrient and energy value. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were performed for the analysis of lactoferrin and lysozyme concentration in human milk. In cooperation with Italian researchers, innovative human milk metabolome analysis was conducted; the analysis enabled assessment of pasteurisation impact on human milk metabolome composition and provided knowledge about oligosaccharide composition of human milk of women residing in Lithuania. The findings we provide can be directly applied in the clinical practice of health specialists taking care of newborns and infants, in particular, to address issues with regard to insufficient growth of weight of a newborn (or an infant), preparation of a nutrition plan, and there is no possibility to analyse human milk composition.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021