Title Švelnioji galia terorizmo šešėlyje: Kataro diplomatinės krizės atvejis /
Translation of Title Soft power in the shadow of terrorism: the case of qatar diplomatic crisis.
Authors Mikalauskas, Edgaras
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Pages 54
Abstract [eng] Soft Power in the Shadow of Terrorism: The Case of Qatar Diplomatic Crisis The aim of this study is to investigate how the rising of Qatar’s soft power could be one of the reasons the Persian Gulf Crisis started. This study was based on the theory of neo-realism and Joseph Nye’s approach to soft power. The sources and the tools of Qatar’s soft power and its threat to Saudi Arabia’s interests are being analyzed. After analyzing these factors, it is determined how Qatar's soft power strategy could be one of the factors leading to the emergence of the conflict.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019