Abstract [eng] |
The study object of the Master thesis is an organizational culture in pre – school institution , it’s problems and prospects. Organizational culture is a peculiar ideology that helps to reach goals. It's essence is that, using of certain symbols, creating certain values and norms, all members general provisions of organization are reflected, how need to work, that organization could flourish and meet their needs. The aim of this research paper – to investigate organizational culture and its aspects of pre-school institutions. Questions that describe investigated problem: How pre-school employees understand organizational culture? How organizational culture of kidengarten manifests in parents and employees opinion? How are the parents involved in organizational culture ? What are the aspects being improved of the examined institution? The objectives of the research paper: 1. To analyze the concept, functions, features and influence on changes for the organization's management of the organizational culture.2 To Indentify the influence on values system for the organizational culture.3. To estimate employees attitudes about external elements of organizational culture in pre-school. 4. To estimate predominant values in institution.5. To reveal problems and prospects in pre-school educational institutions of the organizational culture, according to the employees and parents survey. In theoretical part of the research paper the concept of organizational culture, research dimensions, influence on values was examined for the organizational culture . According to the examined questions, the survey was done , e.i. investigation, and was analysed one pre-school institution. The aim was to find out employees and parents attitude to the organizational culture. The data analysis suggests that organizational culture is a ensured condition of successful organizations activity, because nowadays institutions have many problems that are forcing institutions to react to the changes, internal and external factors. To help people to adapt to changing conditions and to tie them with the existing organization can only an appropriate organizational culture. |