Abstract [eng] |
Theimportance and relevance ofadulteducationare highlighted in the main documents on education.The school becomesincreasinglyopento societyandlifeandthis result from changingglobalfactors.Lithuanianadult educationpolicystarted to take shapeonlytwo decades ago, therefore, the adult educationin Lithuania has not beensufficiently developed so far.The study aim: to investigateeducators’ learning process and factors that affecteducators’ learning.The study object:implementation of the educators’lifelonglearning process.The hypotheses:We can presuppose the following: Educators associate lifelong learning with acquisition of new knowledge and personal improvement. Authorities of schools actively organize educators’trainings. The study methods: Thetheoreticalones: the empirical method referring to the quantitative survey and statistical method including data analysis using the software package SPSS 17.0,and descriptive statistics. The study sample:The study involved 150 educators of Tauragė city and district.The study results:It has been identified that educators pursue lifelong learning encouraged by their aspirations to develop their professional competences and skills, to stay flexible, to contribute to awareness and to preserve their jobs. The district educators perceive lifelong learning as the means to preserve their jobs more often than city educators. The educators’learning process is organized in cooperation with other schools, sharing the best practices among the community members. Educators’ trainings are most often organized at schools and most seldom at higher education institutions. During these trainings, it is aimed to improve the teaching curriculum and methods and to teach the educators how to achieve this; meanwhile, the trainings are not enough focused on innovations and social issues. However, the focus on innovations and social issuesduring these trainingsis more inherentto the citythan in the district.Meanwhile, the trainings and cooperation among schools take place more often in the district schools. The additional learning of educators is impeded by the lack of self-motivation, the absence of benefit, and non-conformity between these trainings and needs. |