Title Conceptual structure of pain in Lithuanian and English /
Translation of Title Konceptualiojo skausmo struktūra lietuvių ir anglų kalbose.
Authors Kerevičienė, Jurgita ; Zaiceva, Natalija
DOI 10.3846/cpe.2015.262
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Is Part of Santalka: Filologija. Edukologija.. Vilnius : Technika. 2015, t. 23, Nr 1, p. 38-49.. ISSN 2351-714X. eISSN 2335-7711
Keywords [eng] pain ; metaphorical pain expression ; conceptual structure ; conceptual metaphor ; English ; Lithuanian
Abstract [eng] Physical pain is bodily experienced and common for people in their perception. Still, people experience physical pain, conceptualize and encode it in different cultures diversely. The aim of this article is to reveal the conceptual structure of the metaphorical pain expressions of human facial parts in the English (British) and Lithuanian languages. The paper provides an overview of key principles of cognitive semantics, discusses the essence of pain by taking into account physiological and psychological aspects, concentrates on both metaphorical pain expressions and encoded stimuli of pain in Lithuanian and English. Finally, the conceptual structure of pain in the languages is elaborated.
Published Vilnius : Technika
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2015
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