Abstract [eng] |
Researchers are interested in the subculture of bikers since it began. For a long time it was the distinctive subculture of men and men was the main object of the researchers. Later the attention was paid to women of this subculture, who gained the role of economically as well as sexually useful objects. The transformation of the woman‘s role inside the subculture was started when they became the equal members of this subculture and when sexual equality was reached. This transformation in Lithuania started with the establishing of the first women biker clubs in 2008 and 2009. Even though women are the minority of the biker’s subculture their number is constantly growing and as the result the attention from Lithuanian online media since 2004 till 2014 is growing. This so called „fourth estate” gains an important role in forming the social opinion about women bikers. The object of the Master‘s thesis is the content about the women bikers in the Lithuanian online media (period between 2005 – 2014). The aim of this paper is to analyze the formation of biker’s image throughout the history and to analyze the characteristic features of biker woman shown by online media. The research aims at the analyses of Lithuanian online media verbal and visual content. The texts were analyzed using the quantitative (aspects of headings, authors and genres) and qualitative (aspects of verbal and visual presentation of opposite meanings) methods of content analyses. Summarizing the results of the research it can be stated that women bikers using verbal and visual means are shown ambiguously in Lithuanian online media. The dominant representative tendency is the positive image of the women biker. It is related to the traditional image of the woman, as she is the one who can combine the role of the mother, wife and biker. |