Title Macroeconomic variables influencing life satisfaction in the EU, and its impact on emigration /
Authors Laurinavičius, Algimantas ; Laurinavičius, Antanas ; Laurinavičius, Alfredas
DOI 10.3846/cibmee.2021.616
eISBN 9786094762604
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Is Part of International scientific conference "Contemporary issues in business, management and economics engineering 2021, 13–14 May 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania.. Vilnius : Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2021. p. 1-12.. eISSN 2538-8711. eISBN 9786094762604
Keywords [eng] emigration ; Gini coefficient ; income inequality ; overall life satisfaction ; subjective well-being
Abstract [eng] Purpose of the research is to analyse what variables influence subjective well-being (which is measured as overall life satisfaction in the EU) and how it affects population’s decisions on emigration. Research methodology – a correlation between several independent variables and overall life satisfaction is calculated. Then, a correlation between overall life satisfaction and emigration rates is measured. Finally, regression equations are constructed showing how some variables affect the other. Findings – analysis helped to identify key variables which influenced overall life satisfaction and its impact on population’s decisions on emigration. Those key variables include GDP per capita, income inequality and unemployment. Research limitations – to analyse more social phenomena and not only the economic ones would contribute to research development in the future. Moreover, analysis of dynamic aspects would provide deeper insight of relationships. Practical implications – the analysis of emigration problem and the identification of its possible links with life satisfaction will allow economists to assess a priori potential of various measures suggested in practice and, consequently, will allow for more targeted formulation of the economic policy. Originality/Value – scientific analysis of life satisfaction enables to have a new look on emigration problem in theory and practice.
Published Vilnius : Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2021
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2021
CC license CC license description