Title The influence of knowledge management on the creation of value added by business processes /
Translation of Title Žinių valdymo įtaka organizacijos procesų pridėtinės vertės kūrimui.
Authors Gribovskis, Justas
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Pages 36
Keywords [eng] knowledge management ; processes of knowledge management ; business processes ; value added
Abstract [eng] Knowledge management in a contemporary organization is increasingly less treated as a supportive activity, and its processes are considered as inseparable from other main organizational processes. Literature review leaves no doubt about the benefits of knowledge management; however, there is a lack of reliable research on value added created by knowledge management as a whole or separate organizational processes, therefore it is hard to identify and calculate. In practice, integration of knowledge management into organizational processes is slow and expensive due to many rejection factors, although the value it adds to organization is undeniable. This is the reason why the biggest organizations of the world make invest heavily in knowledge management initiatives. The aim of phd thesis is to build a theoretical background for relationship of knowledge management and organizational processes and to define the influence of knowledge management on organizational processes, which would support continuous improvement and creation of value added in an organization. In the phd. Thesis, building on the analysis of literature from the interdisciplinary field of information and communication research, as well as management studies, developed and defined theoretically a conceptual model for analyzing the influence of knowledge management processes on organizational processes. The model is able to define the influence of knowledge management processes on the main organizational processes and the relationship between various dimensions of knowledge management processes and organizational processes (quality, time, costs, etc.); to express in quantitative terms the effect of knowledge management processes on the increase of value added in the organization; to calculate and justify quantitatively the general value added of knowledge management processes. Quantitative analysis uses correlational and regression analysis. Additionally, factors analysis is used to identify the weight of each factor and their interconnections. Correlations reveal relationships between the variables, while linear multiple regression allows to measure causal relationships. The result of empirical study confirm the practical relevance of the developed model of the influence of knowledge management processes on organizational processes.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021