1. Teismo posėdžio dalyvių įstatymų, teisėsaugos institucijų ir pareigūnų elgesio vertinimai
  2. Teisė ir menas: neišvengiama sąveika
  3. Teisė į pensiją ir Konstitucinio Teismo praktika
  4. Teisė į viešojo sektoriaus informaciją Europos Sąjungos teisėje
  5. Teisės normatyvumas ir konstitucinio teismo kompetencija
  6. Teisės paradigmų pažinimo kelias
  7. Teisės tikslai - spekuliacijos įrankis ar argumentavimo priemonė?
  8. Teisėto aborto sąvoka pagal Lietuvos teisės aktus
  9. Tekstinių dokumentų panašumų paieška naudojant saviorganizuojančius neuroninius tinklus ir k vidurkių metodą
  10. Teodicėjiniai motyvai lietuvių literatūroje: universalumas ir specifika
  11. Teoriniai ir taikomieji dokumentinio paveldo klausimai tarptautinėje knygotyros konferencijoje
  12. Terminijos klausimu: priešakiniai, avangardiniai, adventiniai ar progresyvieji tyrimai?
  13. Termino ethnos reikšmių pokyčiai: nuo Biblijos vertimų iki naujųjų utopijų
  14. Terrorism in media political discourse: from metaphorical expressions to cognitive models
  15. Testing the epidemic change in nearly nonstationary autoregressive processes
  16. Texts at play : the ludic aspect of Karen Blixen's writings
  17. The 1sn1l1n2l2 electron spectra of lithium atoms
  18. The 2p6 autoionization cross section of Na atoms excited by low-energy electron impact
  19. The 4p6 core excitation of Rb2 by low energy electron impact
  20. The 4p6 electron energy-loss spectrum of Rb atoms
  21. The Complexity of the concept of Islamic Revivalism and revivalists’ understanding of a proper model of State
  22. The Internet as a "public sphere": the New York Times website case study
  23. The Laplace transform of Dirichlet L-functions
  24. The Martius flap for repair of low rectovaginal fistula: a case report
  25. The Need and the possibilities of human capital development: assessment of employers and graduates of higher education institutions
  26. The Open Question Argument and the possibility of reductionism
  27. The Streptococcus thermophilus CRISPR/Cas system provides immunity in Escherichia coli
  28. The analysis of the second pillar pension funds and the role of expectations
  29. The collection of Oriental art at the Vilnius Museum of Antiquities in 1862-1865
  30. The comprehensive publication on “Commercial Banking: Analysis and Evaluations” (the monograph by Dr. Filomena Jasevičienė in Lithuanian)
  31. The concept of internal control system: theoretical aspect
  32. The consistency of bootstrap and jackknife variance estimators for finite population L-statistics
  33. The development of economic structure and inter-industry linkages in the Baltic countries
  34. The diagnostic value of ultrasound examination in temporal arteritis
  35. The doctrine of german neo-liberalism in terms of its genesis and practical implementation
  36. The effect of leader-member exchange on organizational innovativeness: findings from a Lithuanian public sector organization
  37. The effective density of randomly moving electrons and related characteristics of materials with degenerate electron gas
  38. The effectiveness of internal devaluation in Lithuania and Latvia
  39. The efficient market hypothesis: a critical review of literature and methodology
  40. The ethics of banking: analysis and estimates
  41. The euroization of Lithuania and Poland: a comparison
  42. The impact of minimum wage on the labour market of Lithuania
  43. The impact of population immigration on the labour market of the United Kingdom
  44. The impact of the change of the tax burden on the reliability of financial information: the case of Lithuania
  45. The influence of children on family purchasing in Lithuania and Azerbaijan
  46. The influence of the diffusion space geometry on behavior of some processes in biochemistry and electrochemistry
  47. The loan market in Lithuania: evaluation of developments in 2002-2012 years
  48. The meaning of "soul" in Ælfric's "Catholic homilies"
  49. The minimum income scheme reform in Lithuania
  50. The model of criminal activity and effective cartel deterrence