1. Continentality and oceanity in the mid and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and their links to atmospheric circulation
  2. Dimensijų mažinimu pagrįstas didelės apimties duomenų vizualizavimas ir projekcijos paklaidos vertinimas
  3. Investigation of human carbonic anhydrase VI and IX inhibitor efficacy and toxicity
  4. Investigation of human carbonic anhydrase VI and IX inhibitor efficacy and toxicity
  5. Massive data visualization based on dimensionality reduction and projection error evaluation
  6. Mielių Saccharomyces sensu stricto Totiviridae šeimos virusų ciklo ląstelėje molekulinės determinantės
  7. Molecular determinants of Totiviridae family viruses of Saccharomyces sensu stricto clade
  8. Našiai fluorescuojantys organiniai nanodariniai, sluoksniai ir kristalai taikymams jutikliuose ir lazeriuose
  9. Sub threshold high frequency electrical field stimulation effect for angiogenesis and vegf expression in cardiomyocytes and heart tissue. Remodelling in the heart: impact of mechanical stretch, threshold and sub-threshold electrical stimulation on cultivated cardiomyocytes and sympathetic neurons