- Evaluation of accounting regulation evolution in selected countries
- Management of pregnancy and delivery in prenatally diagnosed congenital anomalies
- Miestiečio gyvenamosios erdvės modernizacija XX a. Du atvejai: tarpukario Kaunas ir sovietinis Vilnius
- Neiškiliojo optimizavimo algoritmas su nauju bikriteriniu potencialiųjų simpleksų išrinkimu naudojant Lipšico konstantos įvertį
- Nonconvex optimization algorithm with a new Bi-criteria selection of potential simplices using an estimate of Lipschitz constant
- Retail sprawl in post-Soviet urban residential communities: Case studies of Saint-Petersburg and Vilnius
- The modernization of the living space of the 20th century urban resident. Two cases: interwar Kaunas and Soviet Vilnius