1. A double capture of body and life: Deleuzian reading of Sauka’s pictures
  2. Analysis of the efficiency of shipping containers handling/loading control methods and procedures
  3. Curative GnRHa treatment has an unexpected repressive effect on Sertoli cell specific genes
  4. Field-effect transistors as electrically controllable nonlinear rectifiers for the characterization of terahertz pulses
  5. Novel fluorinated carbonic anhydrase IX inhibitors reduce hypoxia-induced acidification and clonogenic survival of cancer cells
  6. PRDM histone methyltransferase mRNA levels increase in response to curative hormone treatment for cryptorchidism-dependent male infertility
  7. Pervasive chimerism in the replication-associated proteins of uncultured single-stranded DNA viruses
  8. Phenotypic characterization of Gardnerella vaginalis subgroups suggests differences in their virulence potential
  9. Piešimo testo kūrybiškam mąstymui (TCT-DP) psichometrinės charakteristikos 8-10 metų lietuvių vaikų imčiai
  10. Structural basis of DNA target recognition by the B3 domain of Arabidopsis epigenome reader VAL1
  11. Šiuolaikinių informacinių technologijų naudojimas ir ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų miegas