1. Empire, leadership or hegemony: US Strategies towards the Northern Triangle Countries in the 21st Century
  2. Pasaulis yra čia, kur gyvena jį kuriantis žmogus
  3. Percolation and transport properties in the mechanically deformed composites filled with carbon nanotubes
  4. Relationship processing–composition–structure– resistivity of LaNiO3 thin films grown by chemical vapor deposition methods
  5. Susceptibility of Ukrainian and Belarussian domestic actors to external actors’ approaches: puzzling patterns of transition
  6. Suvokiamo nuotolinio darbo naudojimo intensyvumo, kaip mediatoriaus, poveikis darbuotojų įsipareigojimui organizacijai ir darbo-asmeninio gyvenimo balansui
  7. The mediating effect of the perceived intensity of telework use on employees’ commitment to the organisation and work-life balance