Title Relationship processing–composition–structure– resistivity of LaNiO3 thin films grown by chemical vapor deposition methods /
Authors Kuprėnaitė, Sabina ; Astié, Vincent ; Margueron, Samuel ; Millon, Cyril ; Decams, Jean-Manuel ; Šaltytė, Zita ; Boulet, Pascal ; Plaušinaitienė, Valentina ; Abrutis, Adulfas ; Bartašytė, Aušrinė
DOI 10.3390/coatings9010035
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Is Part of Coatings.. Basel : MDPI AG. 2019, vol. 9, iss. 1, art. no. 35, p. [1-15].. ISSN 2079-6412. eISSN 2079-6412
Keywords [eng] LaNiO3 ; chemical vapor deposition ; precursors ; resistivity ; epitaxy
Abstract [eng] Precision control of resistivity/conductivity of LaNiO3(LNO) films is essential for theirintegration as electrodes in the functional heterostructures. This becomes possible if the relationshipbetween processing parameters–composition–structure–resistivity is determined. LaNiO3films weredeposited by three different chemical vapor deposition methods using different precursor supplysystems: direct liquid delivery, pulsed liquid injection, and aerosol generation. The possibilities toameliorate the efficiency of precursor evaporation and of film growth were studied. The relationshipbetween deposition conditions and composition was determined. Detailed analysis of the epitaxialgrowth of LNO films on cubic and trigonal substrates and the influence of the rhombohedral distortionon the microstructural quality was done. The resistivity of LaNiO3films, grown by chemical vapordeposition, was mainly defined by microstructural defects and La/Ni composition. The high epitaxialquality LaNiO3/LaAlO3films with nearly stoichiometric La/Ni ratio presented low resistivity, whichwas very close to that of bulk LaNiO3. Their annealing in oxygen atmosphere had little effect on theresistivity, which suggests a minor presence of oxygen vacancies in the as-grown films.
Published Basel : MDPI AG
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2019
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