1. Arterial stiffness in children with chronic kidney disease: prevalence, risk factors and functional consequences
  2. Breast cancer screening program in Lithuania: trends in breast cancer mortality before and during the introduction of the mammography screening program
  3. Correction to: Vilnius Declaration on chronic respiratory diseases: multisectoral care pathways embedding guided self-management, mHealth and air pollution in chronic respiratory diseases [(Clinical and Translational Allergy, (2019), 9, 1, (7), 10.1186/s13601-019-0242-2)]
  4. Potential approaches for the pricing of cancer medicines across Europe to enhance the sustainability of healthcare systems and the implications
  5. The effects of wind power on electricity markets: A case study of the Swedish intraday market
  6. The microbiota-gut-brain axis and Alzheimer's disease: neuroinflammation is to blame?
  7. Treatment of allergic rhinitis during and outside the pollen season using mobile technology. A MASK study
  8. Vaikų, sergančių lėtine inkstų liga, arterijų standumo padidėjimas: paplitimas, rizikos veiksniai ir funkcinės pasekmės