- A conceptual management model of virtual project team in international companies
- Chinese traditional cultural and cross-cultural management
- Communication models in contemporary art
- Cooperative learning issues in elementary education: A Lithuanian case study
- Development and provision of social services to persons with psychosocial disabilities in the perspective of social care reform
- Influence of human resource management policy on customer loyalty
- Machine learning-based prediction of the behavior of marine traffic participants and discovering non-standard marine traffic situations
- Mašininiu mokymusi grindžiamas laivybos eismo dalyvių elgsenos prognozavimas bei nestandartinių laivybos srauto situacijų atradimas
- Organisation of social art in performance art organisations
- Small and medium enterprises brand positioning through guerilla marketing principles
- Socialinių paslaugų vystymas ir teikimas psichosocialinę negalią turintiems asmenims stacionarių globos institucijų pertvarkos perspektyvoje
- The impact of employer brand equity elements on consumer attitude to service brand
- The importance of internal and external factors for the selection decision of expatriates
- The importance of the network in international music competitions
- The usage of social networks for citizen engagement at the local self-government level: the link between municipal councillors and citizens
- Transformation of the museum in the 21st century: Baltic States museums visitors