- Atmintis ir postatmintis Šiaurės Amerikos lietuvių kilmės rašytojų literatūroje
- Case report: DRESS syndrome induced by two antituberculosis drugs in an 8-year-old girl
- Global impact of COVID-19 on newborn screening programmes
- Heterogeniško finansializacijos poveikio ilgojo laikotarpio ekonomikos augimui vertinimas
- Incidence of hypertension in people with HIV who are treated with integrase inhibitors versus other antiretroviral regimens in the RESPOND cohort consortium
- Leksikos su šaknimi ragan- varijavimas
- Memory and postmemory in the writing of North American writers of Lithuanian descent
- К вопросу о фаустовской топике в "Полночных стихах" Анны Ахматовой