1. Atmintis ir postatmintis Šiaurės Amerikos lietuvių kilmės rašytojų literatūroje
  2. Case report: DRESS syndrome induced by two antituberculosis drugs in an 8-year-old girl
  3. Global impact of COVID-19 on newborn screening programmes
  4. Heterogeniško finansializacijos poveikio ilgojo laikotarpio ekonomikos augimui vertinimas
  5. Incidence of hypertension in people with HIV who are treated with integrase inhibitors versus other antiretroviral regimens in the RESPOND cohort consortium
  6. Leksikos su šaknimi ragan- varijavimas
  7. Memory and postmemory in the writing of North American writers of Lithuanian descent
  8. К вопросу о фаустовской топике в "Полночных стихах" Анны Ахматовой