1. A treponemal genome from an historic plague victim supports a recent emergence of yaws and its presence in 15th century Europe
  2. Construction of media narrative research approach: analysis of emigration publications of Lithuanian periodicals “Respublika” and “Lietuvos rytas” (1991–2017)
  3. High-sensitivity cardiac troponin impact on the differential diagnosis of non-ST segment elevation coronary syndromes-is it helping
  4. Mental health and physical activity of female higher education students during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative cross-sectional study from Lithuania
  5. Narratives of historical memory and their touristic function: the case of Sergei Loznitsa’s Austerlitz
  6. Spectres of war in Deimantas Narkevičius’s Legend Coming True and Sergei Loznitsa’s Reflections
  7. Žiniasklaidos naratyvo tyrimo prieigos konstravimas: Lietuvos periodinės spaudos leidinių „Respublika“ ir „Lietuvos rytas“ publikacijų emigracijos tema analizė (1991–2017 m.)