- Biosorbentų pritaikymas Cs ir Pu izotopų nustatymui gėlame vandenyje
- Carbon and oxygen stable isotopic evidence for diverse sheep and goat husbandry strategies amid a Final Bronze Age farming milieu in the Kyrgyz Tian Shan
- Detecting main topics using dictionary-based topic analysis
- Experimental static cold storage of the rat uterus: protective effects of relaxin- or erythropoietin-supplemented HTK-N Solutions
- High frequency cryptocurrency trading in the face of Covid-19
- Infrastructure in the framework of production functions: Evidence of EU member states at the regional level
- Išmanioji psichologija: ar internetu teikiama psichologinė pagalba medicinos slaugytojams gali padėti įveikti stresą?
- Le sens de fête en polonais, en lituanien, en français et sa (non)coïncidence collocationnelle
- Nature et acquisition des collocations lexicales en FLE
- The integration of millet into the diet of Central Asian populations in the third millennium BC
- The resilience of pioneer crops in the highlands of Central Asia: Archaeobotanical investigation at the Chap II site in Kyrgyzstan
- The synthesis and applications of oligonucleotide-modified nucleotides
- К столетию А. Д. Сахарова: дискурс А. Д. Сахарова как научная публицистика (обозначение говорящего как маркер жанра)