1. Biosorbentų pritaikymas Cs ir Pu izotopų nustatymui gėlame vandenyje
  2. Carbon and oxygen stable isotopic evidence for diverse sheep and goat husbandry strategies amid a Final Bronze Age farming milieu in the Kyrgyz Tian Shan
  3. Detecting main topics using dictionary-based topic analysis
  4. Experimental static cold storage of the rat uterus: protective effects of relaxin- or erythropoietin-supplemented HTK-N Solutions
  5. High frequency cryptocurrency trading in the face of Covid-19
  6. Infrastructure in the framework of production functions: Evidence of EU member states at the regional level
  7. Išmanioji psichologija: ar internetu teikiama psichologinė pagalba medicinos slaugytojams gali padėti įveikti stresą?
  8. Le sens de fête en polonais, en lituanien, en français et sa (non)coïncidence collocationnelle
  9. Nature et acquisition des collocations lexicales en FLE
  10. The integration of millet into the diet of Central Asian populations in the third millennium BC
  11. The resilience of pioneer crops in the highlands of Central Asia: Archaeobotanical investigation at the Chap II site in Kyrgyzstan
  12. The synthesis and applications of oligonucleotide-modified nucleotides
  13. К столетию А. Д. Сахарова: дискурс А. Д. Сахарова как научная публицистика (обозначение говорящего как маркер жанра)