- Distress and wellbeing among general practitioners in 33 countries during COVID-19: results from the cross-sectional PRICOV-19 study to inform health system interventions
- Effects of life-long supplementation of potassium nitrate on male mice longevity and organs pathology
- Exploring variation of coverage and access to dental care for adults in 11 European countries: a vignette approach
- Fetal tibial artery doppler in late IUGR fetuses: a longitudinal study
- Has the COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in the tasks of the primary care workforce? An international survey among general practices in 38 countries (PRICOV-19)
- Patients’ expectations and experience regarding orthodontic mini-implant treatment: a pilot study
- Practice and system factors impact on infection prevention and control in general practice during COVID-19 across 33 countries: results of the PRICOV cross-sectional survey
- Rare disease education in Europe and beyond: time to act
- Reabilitacijos priemonių poveikis vaikų, sergančių cerebriniu paralyžiumi, ėjimo ištvermei.
- Responding to COVID-19: the suitability of primary care infrastructure in 33 countries
- Skirtingų kineziterapijos programų poveikis paauglių apatinės nugaros dalies skausmui, pusiausvyrai ir funkciniam liemens pajėgumui
- Understanding proximity in the Baltic languages: Latvian relational adverbs blakus and līdzās and their Lithuanian counterparts