1. Antrokų ir jų tėvų įsitikinimų apie lietuvių kalbos mokymąsi ryšiai su lietuvių kalbos pasiekimais
  2. Apparent effect of range size and fruit colour on palm diversification may be spurious
  3. Effects of pathogenic oomycetes on Atlantic salmon embryos
  4. Evaluation of the salmonid sensitivity of the pathogenic oomycetes at the early development stage
  5. Institutional pressures and the adoption of responsible management education at universities and business schools in Central and Eastern Europe
  6. Perception of neurology among undergraduate medical students – what can be done to counter neurophobia during clinical studies?
  7. Simple view of reading across the transition from kindergarten to Grade 1 in a transparent orthography
  8. Task-persistence and academic skills across Grade 1: the role of support and affect from parents and teachers
  9. Užpakalinės kaukolės daubos veninių sinusų sąsajos su antropometriniais taškais (tyrimas su Vilniaus universitetui paaukotais kūnais)