- A temporally and spatially explicit, data-driven estimation of airborne ragweed pollen concentrations across Europe
- Aerial image similarity estimation using cloud removal methods
- Anti-elitism in Emilis Vėlyvis’s political thrillers “Zero 3” (2017) and “The Generation of Evil” (2022)
- Automated verification of railway signalling data
- Biochemical and cellular insights into the Baz2B protein, a non-catalytic subunit of the chromatin remodeling complex
- Comparative analysis of homogeneity tests for censored samples under crossing of survival functions
- Detection of pancreatic cancer on CT images using pseudo-labelling methods
- Expert revision of key elements for clinical-grade production and qualification of perinatal derivatives
- How populist rhetoric creates uniform drammatical images: the case of Lithuanian political leaders on Facebook
- Kompleksinis potrauminis stresas: įvertinimas ir rizikos veiksniai
- Literature review on data modelling patterns and techniques for educational data assessment
- Memory practices in the matrix: investigating the use of ChatGPT to analyze and produce speculative SNS conversations on Lithuanian contested heritage
- Minimum-sum-of-squares clustering with (net) constraints for cluster-centres
- Mokesčių moralė Lietuvoje
- Particularity of populism in the television content of Soviet Lithuania: enemies, heroes and interpretations of the past
- Personal branding in populist communication: case study of campaign on anti-Covid regulations in Lithuania
- Population-based algorithm for discrete facility location with ranking of candidate locations
- Populism and name calling: when is it pure populism, and when is it a component of political propaganda?
- Populism in local vs. city/national news media: dissimilarities due to different readership feedback practices
- Populist discourses about journalism in Lithuania: sources, channels, and messages
- Populists in the Lithuanian Parliament: major narratives in 2020–2023
- Similarity metrics for cartographic Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery comparison
- The abstract book of the international conference Populism in national and global media, 24-25 November, 2023, Vilnius University
- The challenges of vaccine trial participation among underserved and hard-to-reach communities: an internal expert consultation of the VACCELERATE Consortium
- The puzzle of para-aortic mass
- Žemininkai Vilniuje: santykis su daugiataučio miesto erdve