1. A temporally and spatially explicit, data-driven estimation of airborne ragweed pollen concentrations across Europe
  2. Aerial image similarity estimation using cloud removal methods
  3. Anti-elitism in Emilis Vėlyvis’s political thrillers “Zero 3” (2017) and “The Generation of Evil” (2022)
  4. Automated verification of railway signalling data
  5. Biochemical and cellular insights into the Baz2B protein, a non-catalytic subunit of the chromatin remodeling complex
  6. Comparative analysis of homogeneity tests for censored samples under crossing of survival functions
  7. Detection of pancreatic cancer on CT images using pseudo-labelling methods
  8. Expert revision of key elements for clinical-grade production and qualification of perinatal derivatives
  9. How populist rhetoric creates uniform drammatical images: the case of Lithuanian political leaders on Facebook
  10. Kompleksinis potrauminis stresas: įvertinimas ir rizikos veiksniai
  11. Literature review on data modelling patterns and techniques for educational data assessment
  12. Memory practices in the matrix: investigating the use of ChatGPT to analyze and produce speculative SNS conversations on Lithuanian contested heritage
  13. Minimum-sum-of-squares clustering with (net) constraints for cluster-centres
  14. Mokesčių moralė Lietuvoje
  15. Particularity of populism in the television content of Soviet Lithuania: enemies, heroes and interpretations of the past
  16. Personal branding in populist communication: case study of campaign on anti-Covid regulations in Lithuania
  17. Population-based algorithm for discrete facility location with ranking of candidate locations
  18. Populism and name calling: when is it pure populism, and when is it a component of political propaganda?
  19. Populism in local vs. city/national news media: dissimilarities due to different readership feedback practices
  20. Populist discourses about journalism in Lithuania: sources, channels, and messages
  21. Populists in the Lithuanian Parliament: major narratives in 2020–2023
  22. Similarity metrics for cartographic Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery comparison
  23. The abstract book of the international conference Populism in national and global media, 24-25 November, 2023, Vilnius University
  24. The challenges of vaccine trial participation among underserved and hard-to-reach communities: an internal expert consultation of the VACCELERATE Consortium
  25. The puzzle of para-aortic mass
  26. Žemininkai Vilniuje: santykis su daugiataučio miesto erdve