- A Rational Speech-Act model for the pragmatic use of vague terms in natural language
- Adult congenital heart disease training in Europe: current status, disparities and potential solutions
- Areas of crime in cities: case study of Lithuania
- Arterinio kraujospūdžio korekcijos, pritaikant giliosios galvos smegenų stimuliacijos metodą gyvūnų modelyje, tyrimas
- Early changes in renal function during rapid up-titration of guideline-directed medical therapy following an admission for acute heart failure
- Enzymatic redox properties and cytotoxicity of irreversible nitroaromatic thioredoxin reductase inhibitors in mammalian cells
- Learning from pandemic periods: elements of the theory of behavioral transformation
- Naujos kartos vaizdinimo technologijos ir genetiniai testai kliniškai reikšmingo prostatos vėžio nustatymui
- Putting plural definites into context
- The importance of being earnest: How truth and evidence affect participants’ judgments
- The legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe – 2nd update on current practice
- Towards a diffractive mimesis: Karen Barad’s and Isabelle Stengers’ Re-Turnings
- Why to hug a suicidal person?