1. Editorial: Recent advances in attempts to improve medication adherence-from basic research to clinical practice
  2. Factors shaping influencer-follower engagement on instagram
  3. How did the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic affect the outcomes of the patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases in Lithuania?
  4. Mirčių dėl tyčinių susižalojimų Europos Sąjungoje rodiklių tendencijos analizė
  5. Priklausomybių nuo tabako paplitimas
  6. Search engine optimisation (SEO) score and written content improvement using generative AI tools
  7. The content characteristics impacting consumer behaviour on Instagram
  8. The impact of content marketing on political campaigns and their ethics
  9. The impact of nutritional status on sexual function in male kidney transplant recipients
  10. Use satisfaction with the communication quality of "Regitra" and "Lietuvos paštas" artificial intelligence chatbots
  11. Vascular ageing: moving from bench towards bedside
  12. Vyresnio amžiaus asmenų išlikimas darbo rinkoje: Lietuvos situacija ES kontekste