Title The impact of content marketing on political campaigns and their ethics /
Authors Masys, Jotautas ; Panceris, Jonas
DOI 10.15388/VGISC.2023.II
ISBN 9786090709931
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Is Part of 18th prof. Vladas Gronskas international scientific conference, 1st of December, 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania: abstract book.. Vilnius : Vilnius University Press, 2023. p. 74-75.. ISBN 9786090709931
Keywords [eng] content marketing ; political advertising ethics ; unethical election posts ; social media
Abstract [eng] Political processes, party activities, election advertising campaigns are important and relevant, because they determine the further development of the country, influence the economy and the well-being of the population. The article examines the impact of content marketing on political campaigns and their ethics in Lithuania. During the research, the content of social media of political parties was examined. We conducted a pilot survey of the population (31 respondents aged from 17 to 56) about the most frequently seen advertisements of eight different political parties, as well as favorite means of presenting content marketing, and unethical election posts. After summarizing the results of the survey, it was found that the advertising campaigns of Lithuanian political parties are quite ethical; only 16% of the respondents answered negatively. The most popular means of content marketing for political parties in social media are videos (23 respondents), photos and articles (18 respondents chose each).
Published Vilnius : Vilnius University Press, 2023
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2023
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