- A pseudoautosomal glycosylation disorder prompts the revision of dolichol biosynthesis
- Evaluation of visible light and natural photosensitizers against Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus saprophyticus planktonic cells and biofilm
- Futuristic scenarios of the general education school: Lithuanian trajectories and implications
- Inovatyvaus žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo bei jo elektroninių priemonių naudojimo poveikis įsitraukimui į darbą, organizaciniam įsipareigojimui ir darbuotojų gerovei
- Navigating head and neck porocarcinoma: systematic review with special emphasis on surgical safety margins
- PPI3D: a web server for searching, analyzing and modeling protein-protein, protein-peptide and protein-nucleic acid interactions
- Relationship between anxiety, depression, trait mindfulness and psychological well-being in people with atopic dermatitis: theoretical model and its initial test
- Research ethics committee and integrity board members’ collaborative decision making in cases in a training setting
- The nature and scope of reported child maltreatment in Euro-CAN countries: current evidence and future opportunities
- Zaangażowanie bazylianów prowincji litewskiej w rozwój edukacji nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych na ziemiach państwa Polsko-Litewskiego w latach 1773–1839